Informations about the album Chris (English Version) by Christine And The Queens
Friday 21 September 2018 is the date of the release of Christine And The Queens new album, entitled Chris (English Version).
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: La vita nuova - EP / Chaleur Humaine / Christine and the Queens.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Christine And The Queens. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Doesn't matter
- What's-her-face
- Girlfriend
- 5 dollars
- Goya Soda
- Feel so good
- Make some sense
- Damn
- The stranger
- Comme si
- The walker
Some lyrics and translations of Christine And The Queens
- Eyes Of A ChildChristine And The Queens
- TiltedChristine And The Queens
- Paradis PerdusChristine And The Queens
- What's-her-faceChristine And The Queens
- NadaChristine And The Queens
- MountainsChristine And The Queens
- Je Disparais Dans Tes BrasChristine And The Queens
- I Disappear In Your ArmsChristine And The Queens
- La Vita NuovaChristine And The Queens
- People, I’ve Been SadChristine And The Queens
- 5 DollarsChristine And The Queens
- Damn, Dis-moiChristine and the Queens
- GirlfriendChristine And The Queens