Informations about the album Hardwell Presents Revealed Volume 7 by Garmiani
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Garmiani new album, entitled Hardwell Presents Revealed Volume 7.
This is the list of 23 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Garmiani may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Going Crazy
- Calavera
- Voltage
- Run Wild
- Me, Myself & I
- Once Upon A Time
- Apollo
- Mad World
- Something About You (Conro's Ultra Miami 2016 Remix)
- Alarm
- Don't Let Me Down (Hardwell & Sephyx Remix)
- Rise (Like A Thousand Suns)
- We Wanna Party
- Milk Man
- Wake Up Call
- Go (Hardwell Remix)
- Blaze
- Cosmic Dark
- Dirty Bassline
- Magnum
- 2016 Intro
- Raise Your Hands