Informations about the album Embrace by Armin Van Buuren
We are going to show you the latest album by Armin Van Buuren entitled Embrace. The album has been released on Sunday 30 November 2014.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: A State of Trance 2019 (Mixed by Armin van Buuren) / Balance / Balance / This Is A Test - Remixes (EP) / Intense (The More Intense Edition) / Shivers / Mirage / Small Town Boy / Imagine.
This is the list of 13 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Armin Van Buuren. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Heading Up High
- Looking For Your Name
- Make It Right
- Gotta Be Love
- Off the Hook
- Old Skool
- Face Of The Summer
- Caught In The Slipstream
- Indestructible
- Freefall
- Another You
- Hands To Heaven
- Embrace
Some lyrics and translations of Armin Van Buuren
- Weight Of The WorldArmin Van Buuren
- RainArmin Van Buuren
- A State Of Trance [asot 692] - A State Of Trance Year Mix 2014Armin Van Buuren
- What IfArmin Van Buuren
- Turn The World Into A DancefloorArmin Van Buuren
- Slow LaneArmin Van Buuren
- EuthymiaArmin Van Buuren
- Down To LoveArmin Van Buuren
- Feel SomethingArmin Van Buuren
- Sucker For LoveArmin Van Buuren
- Need You NowArmin Van Buuren
- Desiderium 207Armin Van Buuren
- Que PasaArmin Van Buuren
- Waiting For The NightArmin Van Buuren
- Burned With DesireArmin Van Buuren
- Million VoicesArmin Van Buuren
- StickupArmin Van Buuren
- This Is A TestArmin Van Buuren
- Unlove YouArmin Van Buuren
- Wild Wild SonArmin Van Buuren