Informations about the album Grand Prix by Benjamin Biolay
We are going to show you the latest album by Benjamin Biolay entitled Grand Prix. The album has been released on Friday 26 June 2020.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Négatif / La Superbe / Pourquoi tu pleures ? / Trash yéyé.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Benjamin Biolay that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Visage pâle
- Où est passée la tendresse ?
- Comme une voiture volée
- Interlagos
- La roue tourne
- Virtual Safety Car
- Souviens-toi l'été dernier
- Papillon Noir
- Idéogrammes
- Comment est ta peine ?
- Vendredi 12
- Grand Prix
- Ma route
Some lyrics and translations of Benjamin Biolay
- Une Chaise à TokyoBenjamin Biolay
- Qu’est-ce Que ça Peut FaireBenjamin Biolay
- Miss MissBenjamin Biolay
- Ma RouteBenjamin Biolay
- Souviens-toi L'été DernierBenjamin Biolay
- Miss CatastropheBenjamin Biolay
- Tout ça Me TourmenteBenjamin Biolay
- C'est MagnifiqueBenjamin Biolay
- Ton HéritageBenjamin Biolay
- Little Darlin'Benjamin Biolay