Informations about the album Gol De Quem? by Pato Fu

Wednesday 30 November 1994 is the date of the release of Pato Fu new album, entitled Gol De Quem?.
The list of 14 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Pato Fu may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Sobre o Tempo
- Spoc
- Sertões
- And Now
- Vida de Operário
- Gol de Quem?
- Mamãe Ama É O Meu Revólver
- Vida Imbecil
- Onofle
- Qualquer Bobagem
- Ring My Bell
- Ob-la-di-Ob-la-da
- Ok! All Right!
- A Volta do Boêmio