Informations about the album JBB 2018 by Big Jigga Julez
We are going to show you the latest album by Big Jigga Julez entitled JBB 2018. The album has been released on Thursday 30 November 2017.
The list of 46 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Big Jigga Julez may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Vs. Herr Kuchen
- Vs. Krickz
- Die schwarze Seite des Hippies
- Vs. EnteTainment
- Vs. Big Jigga J
- Vs. Zeptah
- Vs. Amigo
- Vs. Stayzee B
- Vs. Nevez
- Vs. Pac Pacino
- Vs. Dryno
- Vs. Secref
- Vs. Arbek
- Vs. Nairo
- Vs. Grinch Hill
- Lebemann
- Vs. Cashisclay
- Vs. Timatic
- Vs. illLegal
- Vs. Big Jigga Julez
- Siffmaul
- Vs. Michael Rape
- Vs. Nugu Buyeng
- Vs. 4Tune
- Vs. Scenzah
- Vs. Gotcha
- Vs. Psycrow
- Vs. J.Differänt
- Vs. Mêrxas
- Vs. RichJer
- Party auf deinem Grab
- Vs. Canakan
- David nein
- Qualifikation
- Fettnäpfchen
- Vs. Shikar
- Vs. Clash Parker
- Pudelrapper
- Todesliste 2
- Vs. Ti Music
- Vs. Sly
- Vs. AyLien
- Stay Back
- Grabkerze