Informations about the album Gate 16 by Sevn Alias

Monday 30 November 2015 is the date of the release of Sevn Alias new album, entitled Gate 16.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: SIRIUS / Picasso / Twenty Four Sevn 4 - EP / IDALIAS - EP / Bogey 4 The Win.
The list of 19 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Sevn Alias that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Paperchase by Jairzinho
- Nummer 1 by Kevin
- Zo Mooi by Jairzinho
- Milli by Sevn Alias
- Sign by FMG
- Now She See Me by Two Crooks & Jairzinho
- Zoveel Vragen
- Wazig by Kevin
- We Don't Stop by BKO
- Tijd by Lil Saint
- Licht Val by Jairzinho
- Cypher 16
- In M'n Kop by Sevn Alias
- Gate 16
- Like That by BKO
- Elke Keer by Jairzinho
- Spatie by FMG
- Gass by Sevn Alias
- Oogje Op Jou by Chip Charlez
Some lyrics and translations of Sevn Alias
- StarboySevn Alias
- ThrowbackSevn Alias
- RegendruppelsSevn Alias
- Zeg Me Wat Je ZietSevn Alias
- ScarsSevn Alias
- Shoot 4 The StarsSevn Alias
- Love You Like A GangstaSevn Alias
- God’s ChildSevn Alias
- LoveSevn Alias
- BodemSevn Alias
- 2 VingersSevn Alias
- Snakes In The GrassSevn Alias
- ObsessedSevn Alias
- 4 The WinSevn Alias
- BalliemanSevn Alias
- 20/20Sevn Alias
- TetrisSevn Alias
- 24/7Sevn Alias
- SévaioSevn Alias
- Van VerSevn Alias