Informations about the album LIEBE s/w by Mark Forster
We are going to show you the latest album by Mark Forster entitled LIEBE s/w. The album has been released on Friday 29 November 2019.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like LIEBE / TAPE / Karton.
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Mark Forster. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Nimmerland s/w
- Wie früher Mal Dich
- 747 s/w
- Irgendwann Happy s/w
- Genau wie du s/w
- Wie früher Mal Dich s/w
- Killer s/w
- Danke danke s/w
- Was du nicht tust s/w
- Gerade jetzt s/w
- Comeback s/w
- Einmal s/w
- Liebe s/w
- 194 Länder s/w
- Chip in s/w
Some lyrics and translations of Mark Forster
- Ich Frag Die MausMark Forster
- Bist Du OkayMark Forster
- Danke DankeMark Forster
- ÜbermorgenMark Forster
- Chip InMark Forster
- KillerMark Forster
- 194 LänderMark Forster
- ChöreMark Forster
- Zu DirMark Forster
- Like A LionMark Forster
- SowiesoMark Forster
- EinmalMark Forster
- Auf Dem WegMark Forster
- Bauch Und KopfMark Forster
- KogongMark Forster