Informations about the album Ultimate Victory by Chamillionaire
Tuesday 18 September 2007 is the date of the release of Chamillionaire new album, entitled Ultimate Victory.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Sound of Revenge / Baddazz Freemixes / Ammunition (Digital) / Venom / The Mixtape Messiah / Mixtape Messiah 4.
The list of 22 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Chamillionaire. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- You Must Be Crazy
- The Morning News
- Pimp Mode
- Still Countin' My Cash
- We Breakin Up
- The Ultimate Victory
- Hip Hop Police
- Somebody Gonna Get Hurt
- Won't Let You Down
- I Think I Love You
- Stuck in the Ghetto
- Skit
- The Ultimate Vacation
- Industry Groupie
- The Bill Collecta
- Rock Star
- Welcome to the South
- Come Back to the Streets
- Evening News
- Standing Ovation
- Rocky Road
- Keep it on the Hush