Informations about the album Funhouse by P!nk
We are going to show you the latest album by P!nk entitled Funhouse. The album has been released on Friday 24 October 2008.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Hurts 2B Human / I’m Not Dead / Alice Through the Looking Glass (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Greatest Hits... So Far!!! / M!ssundaztood / The Truth About Love / Can’t Take Me Home / Beautiful Trauma.
The list of 11 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by P!nk. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Why Did I Ever Like You
- When We're Through
- Crystal Ball
- One Foot Wrong
- It's All Your Fault
- Could've Had Everything
- Mean
- Ave Mary A
- This Is How It Goes Down
- Boring
- Bad Influence
Some lyrics and translations of P!nk
- You Get My LoveP!nk
- Most GirlsP!nk
- NumbP!nk
- CourageP!nk
- TimebombP!nk
- Get The Party StartedP!nk
- Don't Let Me Get MeP!nk
- Blow MeP!nk
- Just Like A PillP!nk
- Raise Your GlassP!nk
- Who KnewP!nk
- Just Like FireP!nk
- Love Me AnywayP!nk
- Dear Mr. PresidentP!nk
- Hurts 2b HumanP!nk
- SecretsP!nk
- TryP!nk
- Family PortraitP!nk
- A Million DreamsP!nk
- Whatever You WantP!nk