Informations about the album FOREVER by Don Diablo
We are going to show you the latest album by Don Diablo entitled FOREVER. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Past.Present.Future / FUTURE.
The album is composed by 5 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Don Diablo. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Never Change
- The Same Way
- Bad
- Congratulations
- We Are Love
If you don't want to miss the live Don Diablo concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Don Diablo
- TonightDon Diablo
- Eyes ClosedDon Diablo
- AnthemDon Diablo
- InvincibleDon Diablo
- Mr. BrightsideDon Diablo
- I Got LoveDon Diablo
- People SayDon Diablo
- SwitchDon Diablo
- Never ChangeDon Diablo
- You're Not AloneDon Diablo
- The RhythmDon Diablo
- The Same WayDon Diablo
- SurviveDon Diablo
- Heaven To MeDon Diablo