Informations about the album Før Vi Mødte Dig by Rasmus Seebach
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Rasmus Seebach new album, entitled Før Vi Mødte Dig.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Mer’ End Kærlighed / Tak For Turen / Rasmus Seebach / Ingen Kan Love Dig I Morgen / Verden Ka’ Vente.
The album is composed by 11 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Rasmus Seebach. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Livets Melodi
- Augusta
- Venner For Altid
- Kæreste
- Dedikation
- Mellemspil Pt 1
- Andeby
- De Værste Bedste År
- Luk Det Ned
- Først Lige Begyndt
- Mellemspil Pt 2
Some lyrics and translations of Rasmus Seebach
- Der’ Noget I DecemberRasmus Seebach
- Lille Store VerdenRasmus Seebach
- BeautifulRasmus Seebach
- Flyv FuglRasmus Seebach
- Øde ØRasmus Seebach
- OliviaRasmus Seebach
- NatteravnRasmus Seebach
- I Mine ØjneRasmus Seebach
- Til DigRasmus Seebach
- LovesongRasmus Seebach
- Under Stjernerne På HimlenRasmus Seebach