Informations about the album The Sad Shepherd by Ben Jonson

Saturday 8 March 2025 is the date of the release of Ben Jonson new album, entitled The Sad Shepherd.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like The Staple of News.
The album is composed by 22 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Ben Jonson. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 5.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 3.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 1.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 8.
- The Sad Shepherd. The Song
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 7.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 2.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 7.
- The Sad Shepherd. Prologue
- The Sad Shepherd. The Persons of the Play
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 3.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 5.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 6.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 6.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 1.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 4.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 3.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 4.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 2.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 1. Scene 1.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 2. Scene 4.
- The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 2.
Some lyrics and translations of Ben Jonson
- The AlchemistBen Jonson
- Bartholomew Fayre Act 5. Scene 4Ben Jonson
- The Staple Of News Act 5 Scene 1Ben Jonson
- The Staple Of News. Act 1. Scene 6.Ben Jonson
- Sejanus His Fall Act 1. Scene 2Ben Jonson
- Sejanus His Fall Act 5. Scene 10Ben Jonson
- The New Inn. Act 5. Scene 5.Ben Jonson
- Cynthia’s Revels Act 5. Scene 2Ben Jonson
- Every Man Out Of His Humour - EpilogueBen Jonson
- Cynthia’s Revels Act 5. Scene 3Ben Jonson
- The Poetaster Act 5. Scene 1Ben Jonson
- Catiline His Conspiracy Act 3. Scene 1Ben Jonson
- Epicœne ~ Act 5. Scene 1Ben Jonson