Informations about the album Détail by Koba LaD

Koba LaD finally released Tuesday 11 March 2025 his new music album, entitled Détail.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: L’Affranchi / L’Affranchi / L’Affranchi (Deluxe) / Carbozo, vol. 1.
The album is composed by 18 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Koba Lad that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Beldia
- Pas de reine
- Ça ira mieux demain
- 7 sur 7
- Petits frères
- 5H55
- Déclic
- Céramique
- Helsinki
- Feux éteints
- Omar
- Bédodo
- En gros
- Coffre plein
- Dans l'avion
- Cité
- Chambre d'hôtel
- Encore
If you are fan of Koba Lad you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Koba Lad
- Tous Les JoursKoba Lad
- BeldiaKoba Lad
- OhloloKoba Lad
- Laisse TomberKoba Lad
- QuadrilléKoba Lad
- Ça Ira Mieux DemainKoba Lad
- Quand J'étais PetitKoba Lad
- MortelKoba Lad
- Pas Comme Les AutresKoba Lad
- MarieKoba Lad
- La DétailleKoba Lad
- FourKoba Lad
- QuotidienKoba Lad
- O.gKoba Lad
- AventadorKoba Lad
- Chambre 122Koba Lad
- R44Koba Lad
- Koba Du 7Koba Lad
- CellophanéKoba Lad
- Train De VieKoba Lad