Informations about the album FIVE by Prince Royce
We are going to show you the latest album by Prince Royce entitled FIVE. The album has been released on Wednesday 30 November 2016.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Alter Ego / Soy el Mismo / Prince Royce.
The album is composed by 17 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Prince Royce. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Te Necesito
- Culpa Al Corazón
- Moneda
- Dilema
- Libérame
- Just As I Am by Spiff TV
- Mírame
- X
- No Te Olvides
- Asalto
- Cuchi Cuchi
- Tumbao
- La Carretera
- Ganas Locas
- No Creo En El Amor
- Aquel Idiota
- Amor Prohibido
Some lyrics and translations of Prince Royce
- CrazyPrince Royce
- Pull UpPrince Royce
- CitaPrince Royce
- Yo Te SoñéPrince Royce
- Stand By MePrince Royce
- Contra La ParedPrince Royce
- Darte Un BesoPrince Royce
- AdictoPrince Royce
- Besos MojadosPrince Royce
- Carita De InocentePrince Royce
- Dec. 21Prince Royce
- Morir SoloPrince Royce
- El ClavoPrince Royce
- Te NecesitoPrince Royce