Informations about the album by Carla Bruni
We are going to show you the latest album by Carla Bruni entitled . The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like (500) Days of Summer (Music from the Motion Picture) / Quelqu’un m’a dit / French Touch / Little French Songs / Comme si de rien n’était / Carla Bruni / No Promises.
This is the list of 0 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Some lyrics and translations of Carla Bruni
- Salut MarinCarla Bruni
- L’excessiveCarla Bruni
- Lady Weeping At The CrossroadsCarla Bruni
- Un SecretCarla Bruni
- Quelque ChoseCarla Bruni
- Notre Grand Amour Est MortCarla Bruni
- Little French SongCarla Bruni
- J’arrive À ToiCarla Bruni
- Le PingouinCarla Bruni
- Dolce FranciaCarla Bruni
- Chez Keith Et AnitaCarla Bruni
- LuneCarla Bruni
- Tout Le MondeCarla Bruni
- Here Comes Your ManMeaghan Smith
- Le Toi Du MoiCarla Bruni
- Chanson TristeCarla Bruni
- Miss YouCarla Bruni
- La NoyéeCarla Bruni
- La Dernière MinuteCarla Bruni
- Le Ciel Dans Une ChambreCarla Bruni