Informations about the album Fair & Square LP by John Prine
Tuesday 26 April 2005 is the date of the release of John Prine new album, entitled Fair & Square LP.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: John Prine / In Spite of Ourselves / Bruised Orange / Sweet Revenge / The Tree of Forgiveness / German Afternoons / The Missing Years / Lost Dogs and Mixed Blessings / Diamonds In The Rough / Pink Cadillac / Common Sense.
This is the list of 14 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by John Prine that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Some Humans Ain't Human
- Crazy As A Loon
- Morning Train
- Clay Pigeons
- Long Monday
- Glory of True Love
- She is my Everthing
- Bear Creek Blues
- I Hate It When That Happens To Me
- The Moon is Down
- My Darlin' Home Town
- Safety Joe
- Taking a Walk
- The Other Side of Town
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of John Prine:
Some lyrics and translations of John Prine
- Saddle In The RainJohn Prine
- Ain’t Hurtin’ NobodyJohn Prine
- Everything Is CoolJohn Prine
- I Love You So Much It HurtsJohn Prine
- Picture ShowJohn Prine
- Morning TrainJohn Prine
- We Must Have Been Out Of Our MindsJohn Prine
- I Remember EverythingJohn Prine
- I Just Called To Say I Love YouJohn Prine
- How LuckyJohn Prine
- Flashback BluesJohn Prine
- Sabu Visits The Twin Cities AloneJohn Prine
- Six O'clock NewsJohn Prine
- Boundless LoveJohn Prine
- The Lonesome Friends Of ScienceJohn Prine
- Pretty GoodJohn Prine
- Far From MeJohn Prine
- Donald And LydiaJohn Prine
- Quiet ManJohn Prine
- My Old Kentucky Home, GoodnightJohn Prine