Informations about the album Faces by Mac Miller
We are going to show you the latest album by Mac Miller entitled Faces. The album has been released on Sunday 11 May 2014.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Watching Movies With the Sound Off / The Divine Feminine / Swimming / Circles / Circles / Circles (Deluxe) / K.I.D.S. / I Love Life, Thank You / GO:OD AM / Unreleased Songs / K.I.D.S. (Deluxe) / Macadelic / Blue Slide Park / Live From Space / The High Life / But My Mackin Ain’t Easy.
The list of 24 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Mac Miller may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Polo Jeans
- It Just Doesn't Matter
- Ave Maria
- Angel Dust
- Inside Outside
- Thumbalina
- 55
- Malibu
- Insomniak
- Funeral
- Uber
- Apparition
- San Francisco
- Therapy
- Colors And Shapes
- Rain
- Friends
- Grand Finale
- Happy Birthday
- New Faces v2
- What Do You Do
- Wedding
- Here We Go
- Diablo
Some lyrics and translations of Mac Miller
- MatchesMac Miller
- DieMac Miller
- Come AroundMac Miller
- Pen GameMac Miller
- AscensionMac Miller
- The Star Room / Killin’ TimeMac Miller
- Smile BackMac Miller
- DesperadoMac Miller
- AyyeMac Miller
- Back In The DayMac Miller
- Dang!Mac Miller
- Talk To MeMac Miller
- When In RomeMac Miller
- Grand FinaleMac Miller
- New Faces V2Mac Miller
- RainMac Miller
- DiabloMac Miller
- WeddingMac Miller
- Happy BirthdayMac Miller
- FriendsMac Miller