Informations about the album EVOLUTION by Joyner Lucas
We are going to show you the latest album by Joyner Lucas entitled EVOLUTION. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like ADHD / Along Came Joyner.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Joyner Lucas. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Fall Slowly
- Snitch
- Tattle Tales (Skit) (Unreleased)
- Zim Zimma (Unreleased)
- Str8 Like Dat (Unreleased)
- When I Grow Up (Intro) (Unreleased)
- Evolution
- Father's Day (Skit) (Unreleased)
- The Problem (Unreleased)
- Legend*
- Like a River (Unreleased)
- On This Way (Unreleased)
- Things I've Seen (Unreleased)
Some lyrics and translations of Joyner Lucas
- Long WayJoyner Lucas
- I'm Not RacistJoyner Lucas
- Comprehensive EvaluationJoyner Lucas
- ChrisJoyner Lucas
- Still Can't LoveJoyner Lucas
- Gold MineJoyner Lucas
- I LiedJoyner Lucas
- The WarJoyner Lucas
- FinallyJoyner Lucas
- WillJoyner Lucas
- LottoJoyner Lucas
- RevengeJoyner Lucas
- Broke And StupidJoyner Lucas
- 10 BandsJoyner Lucas
- IsisJoyner Lucas
- What If I Was GayJoyner Lucas
- AdhdJoyner Lucas
- Devil's WorkJoyner Lucas
- I LoveJoyner Lucas
- I Don't DieJoyner Lucas