Informations about the album Un monstre à Paris (BOF) by -m-

We are going to show you the latest album by -m- entitled Un monstre à Paris (BOF). The album has been released on Wednesday 12 October 2011.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Lettre Infinie / LAMOMALI / Qui De Nous Deux ?.
The album is composed by 24 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that -m- may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Un monstre à Paris by -M-
- La Seine by Vanessa Paradis
- Sacré coeur by -M-
- Maynott by Patrice Renson
- L'amour dans l'âme by -M-
- La seine cabaret by Vanessa Paradis
- Sur le fleuve - Tournesol by -M-
- La rencontre by Patrice Renson
- Lucille 'Le Baptême'
- Tour Eiffel infernale by Patrice Renson
- Sur les toits by Patrice Renson
- A Monster In Paris by Sean Lennon
- Un p'tit baiser by Vanessa Paradis
- Cabaret by -M-
- Flashback by -M-
- Emîle et Raoul by -M-
- Papa Paname by Vanessa Paradis
- Perquisition by Patrice Renson
- Funky Baiser by -M-
- Les actualités
- Francœur - Lucille by -M-
- La valse de Paris by Patrice Renson
- La Seine and I by Vanessa Paradis
- Brume à Panâme by -M-
If you are fan of -m- you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some: