Translations of Foreign Songs in English and Lyrics -

Brave Enough: Live at the Variety Playhouse - Sara Bareilles album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Brave Enough: Live at the Variety Playhouse by Sara Bareilles

Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Sara Bareilles new album, entitled Brave Enough: Live at the Variety Playhouse.
The list of 9 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Sara Bareilles may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
  • (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Live)
  • Let The Rain (Live)
  • I Just Want You (Live)
  • Manhattan (Live)
  • Uncharted (Live)
  • Gravity (Live)
  • Love Song (Live)
  • Love On The Rocks / Bennie and the Jets (Live)
  • Brave (Live)

Some lyrics and translations of Sara Bareilles