Informations about the album Enrique Iglesias by Enrique Iglesias
We are going to show you the latest album by Enrique Iglesias entitled Enrique Iglesias. The album has been released on Wednesday 30 November 1994.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Sex and Love (International Edition) / The Best Hits / Enrique / Euphoria / Greatest Hits / Euphoria (International Edition) / Insomniac / Vivir / Cosas del Amor / Euphoria (Collector’s Edition) / Enrique Iglesias: 95/08 Exitos / Escape / Sex and Love (Bailando Edition) / Quizás.
The album is composed by 3 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Enrique Iglesias that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Inventame
- Inalcanzable
- Muneca Cruel
Some lyrics and translations of Enrique Iglesias
- Still Your KingEnrique Iglesias
- El PerdedorEnrique Iglesias
- QuizásEnrique Iglesias
- Heart AttackEnrique Iglesias
- Tired Of Being SorryEnrique Iglesias
- Amigo VulnerableEnrique Iglesias
- If The World Crashes DownEnrique Iglesias
- Enamorado Por Primera VezEnrique Iglesias
- Lloro Por TiEnrique Iglesias
- TonightEnrique Iglesias
- SirenaEnrique Iglesias
- Alguien Como TúEnrique Iglesias
- Solo En TiEnrique Iglesias
- Alguien Soy YoEnrique Iglesias
- Somebody’s MeEnrique Iglesias
- I’m Your ManEnrique Iglesias
- I Like ItEnrique Iglesias
- Finally Found YouEnrique Iglesias
- FreeEnrique Iglesias
- Not In LoveEnrique Iglesias