Informations about the album Filhos Do Rossi by Wet Bed Gang
Wednesday 31 May 2017 is the date of the release of Wet Bed Gang new album, entitled Filhos Do Rossi.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Stay Inside / Ngana Zambi.
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Wet Bed Gang. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Kill 'Em All
- Não Sinto
- Não Tens Visto
- Essa Life é Good
- Pagode
- Todos Olham
- Intro
- Já Passa
Some lyrics and translations of Wet Bed Gang
- Dollar$Wet Bed Gang
- PerseusWet Bed Gang
- BackstageWet Bed Gang
- Ngana ZambiWet Bed Gang
- BalenciagaWet Bed Gang
- 300Wet Bed Gang
- Faço A MinhaWet Bed Gang
- Sai Do Meu HoodWet Bed Gang
- Hat-trickWet Bed Gang
- InvejaWet Bed Gang
- PopcornWet Bed Gang
- La Bella MafiaWet Bed Gang
- Head Na GlockWet Bed Gang
- Depois Da ChuvaWet Bed Gang
- 23 De MaioWet Bed Gang
- IrresponsávelWet Bed Gang
- AleluiaWet Bed Gang
- Mais CaroWet Bed Gang
- Devia IrWet Bed Gang
- BairroWet Bed Gang