Informations about the album E.G.O. by Jah Khalib
Jah Khalib finally released Sunday 2 February 2025 his new music album, entitled E.G.O..
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like ВЫХОД В СВЕТ (PUBLICATION) / Мудрец (Sage).
This is the list of 11 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Jah Khalib. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- А я её (But me her)
- В открытый космос (In outer space)
- Медина (Medina)
- La Maro
- Бестия (Beast)
- Летние танцы (Summer dances)
- Волны Антарктики (Waves of Antarctica)
- Колыбельная (Lullaby)
- Остаться собой (Be yourself)
Some lyrics and translations of Jah Khalib
- Искал-НашёлJah Khalib
- На тебя смотрюJah Khalib
- На своём вайбеJah Khalib
- КохаюJah Khalib
- I Got Da VibeJah Khalib
- По льдуJah Khalib
- БратуJah Khalib
- МарияJah Khalib
- ПротивоядиеJah Khalib
- Песня ПоколенияJah Khalib
- Одинокая ВлюблённаяJah Khalib
- Письмо материJah Khalib
- Город ГреховJah Khalib
- ЦиркJah Khalib
- ДжадуаJah Khalib
- Stand UpJah Khalib