Informations about the album Efil4zaggin by N.W.A
We are going to show you the latest album by N.W.A entitled Efil4zaggin. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Straight Outta Compton / N.W.A. and the Posse / 100 Miles and Runnin’.
This is the list of 17 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that N.w.a may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Alwayz Into Somethin
- Findum, Fuckum & Flee
- She Swallowed It
- One Less Bitch
- Prelude
- The Dayz Of Wayback
- To Kill a Hooker (Interlude)
- Niggaz 4 Life
- Real Niggaz Don't Die
- Protest
- Don't Drink That Wine
- Message to B.A.
- I'd Rather Fuck You
- Automobile
- Approach to Danger
- Real Niggaz (LP Version)
- 1-900-2-COMPTON (Interlude)
Some lyrics and translations of N.w.a
- Real NiggazN.w.a
- A Bitch Iz A BitchN.w.a
- Something 2 Dance 2N.w.a
- Quiet On Tha SetN.w.a
- Dope ManN.w.a
- I Ain't Tha 1N.w.a
- Compton's N The HouseN.w.a
- Express YourselfN.w.a
- Something Like ThatN.w.a
- 8 BallN.w.a
- Parental Discretion Iz AdvisedN.w.a
- If It Ain't RuffN.w.a
- Straight Outta ComptonN.w.a
- Gangsta GangstaN.w.a
- Fuck Tha PoliceN.w.a