Informations about the album E In Quel Momento Entrando In Un Teatro Vuoto Un Pomeriggio Vestito Di Bianco Mi Tolgo La Giacca Accendo Le Luci E Sul Palco M Invento by Gianni Togni
Gianni Togni finally released Friday 30 November 1979 his new music album, entitled E In Quel Momento Entrando In Un Teatro Vuoto Un Pomeriggio Vestito Di Bianco Mi Tolgo La Giacca Accendo Le Luci E Sul Palco M Invento.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Le mie strade.
The list of 6 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Gianni Togni that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Pomeriggio maledetto
- Luna
- Voglia di cantare
- È bello capirci
- Una mia canzone
- Maggie