Informations about the album Dutty Rock by Sean Paul
Tuesday 12 November 2002 is the date of the release of Sean Paul new album, entitled Dutty Rock.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Trinity / Tomahawk Technique / Imperial Blaze (Deluxe Version) / Live N Livin’.
The album is composed by 25 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Sean Paul. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Get Busy
- Shout
- I'm Still in Love with You
- It's On
- Bubble
- Jukin' Punny
- Concrete
- My Name
- Shake That Thing
- Ganja Breed
- Esa Loca
- Dutty Rock
- Baby Boy by Beyoncé
- Samfy I
- Punkie
- Gimme the Light (Pass the Dro-Voisier remix)
- Uptown Haters Skit
- Can You Do the Work?
- Police
- Gimme the Light
- Top of the Game
- Punkie (Español)
- Like Glue
- International Affair
- Gimme the Light (Remix)
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Sean Paul:
Some lyrics and translations of Sean Paul
- Dangerous GroundSean Paul
- Marijuana Mi LoveSean Paul
- She Doesn’t MindSean Paul
- So FineSean Paul
- Back It Up DehSean Paul
- TemperatureSean Paul
- Calling On MeSean Paul
- Got 2 Luv USean Paul
- We Be Burnin'Sean Paul
- When It Comes To YouSean Paul
- Shot & WineSean Paul
- Get BusySean Paul
- Bad LoveSean Paul
- Tip Pon ItSean Paul
- Mad LoveSean Paul
- No LieSean Paul