Informations about the album Dust in the Wind by Paula Fernandes
Friday 16 February 2007 is the date of the release of Paula Fernandes new album, entitled Dust in the Wind.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Paula Fernandes - Ao Vivo / Amanhecer / Meus Encantos / Pássaro de Fogo / Multishow Ao Vivo - Um Ser Amor / Encontros pelo Caminho.
The album is composed by 12 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Paula Fernandes. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Sweet Water
- Angel
- One of Us
- Ode to My Family
- Dust in the Wind
- Iris
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Nothing Else Matters
- Fallen
- Un Día Sin Ti
- Don't
- The Boxer
Some lyrics and translations of Paula Fernandes
- PromessinhaPaula Fernandes
- Jeito De MatoPaula Fernandes
- Debaixo Do CachoPaula Fernandes
- Tristeza Do JecaPaula Fernandes
- Pra VocêPaula Fernandes
- A Majestade O SabiáPaula Fernandes
- Barco De PapelPaula Fernandes
- Tocando Em FrentePaula Fernandes
- Não PrecisaPaula Fernandes
- Pássaro De FogoPaula Fernandes
- Eu Sem VocêPaula Fernandes
- A Paz Desse AmorPaula Fernandes
- AngelPaula Fernandes
- SensaçõesPaula Fernandes