Informations about the album DROGAS WAVE by Lupe Fiasco
We are going to show you the latest album by Lupe Fiasco entitled DROGAS WAVE. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Lasers / DROGAS Light / Lupe Fiasco’s The Cool / Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor.
The list of 23 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Lupe Fiasco that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Kingdom
- Cripple
- Haile Selassie
- Alan Forever
- Don't Mess up the Children (Interlude)
- Sun God Sam & The California Drug Deals
- Stack That Cheese
- In the Event of Typhoon
- Mural Jr.
- Imagine
- Helter Skelter (Interlude)
- Drogas
- WAV Files
- Down
- Gold vs. The Right Things to Do
- Jonylah Forever
- Baba Kwesi (Interlude)
- XO
- Slave Ship (Interlude)
- Quotations from Chairman Fred
- Manilla
- Happy Timbuck2 Day
- Stronger
Some lyrics and translations of Lupe Fiasco
- BmfLupe Fiasco
- Dopamine LitLupe Fiasco
- Philosophy SundayLupe Fiasco
- The CoolestLupe Fiasco
- PressureLupe Fiasco
- OutroLupe Fiasco
- Streets On FireLupe Fiasco
- Pick Up The PhoneLupe Fiasco
- ExpressLupe Fiasco
- Catch MeLupe Fiasco
- HighLupe Fiasco
- Hey LupeLupe Fiasco
- BlackoutLupe Fiasco
- Paris, TokyoLupe Fiasco
- Wild ChildLupe Fiasco
- Coming UpLupe Fiasco
- Run GameLupe Fiasco