Informations about the album Porto dos Milagres, Vol. 1 by Belô Velloso
Thursday 30 November 2000 is the date of the release of Belô Velloso new album, entitled Porto dos Milagres, Vol. 1.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Belô Velloso. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Caminhos do Mar by Gal Costa
- Como Plural by Roberta de Recife
- Entre O Céu E O Mar by Elba Ramalho
- Só No Balanço do Mar by Daniela Mercury
- Por Te Querer by Belô Velloso
- O “Bem” do Mar by Dorival Caymmi
- Dinamarca by Milton Nascimento
- Instante Eterno by Ivan Lins
- Crendice by Carlinhos Brown
- Sem Amor by Patricia Mellodi
- Fofura by Uai Sô
- Um Raio Laser by Jota Quest
- Sob Medida by Fafá de Belém