Informations about the album Dion chante Plamondon by Céline Dion
Monday 4 November 1991 is the date of the release of Céline Dion new album, entitled Dion chante Plamondon.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Courage / Ashes (Deadpool 2) / A New Day Has Come / Courage - EP / S’il suffisait d’aimer / Tellement j’ai d’amour... / D’eux / The French Album / Falling Into You / Courage (Deluxe Edition) / These Are Special Times / Let’s Talk About Love / Unison / Incognito / Taking Chances / The Colour of My Love / 1 fille & 4 types / Miracle / Céline Dion / One Heart.
This is the list of 12 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Céline Dion may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- L'amour existe encore
- Piaf chanterait du rock
- Des mots qui sonnent
- Un garçon pas comme les autres
- Les uns contre les autres
- Oxygène
- Le blues du businessman
- Le fils de Superman
- Je danse dans ma tête
- J'ai besoin d'un chum
- Le monde est stone
- Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Céline Dion:
Some lyrics and translations of Céline Dion
- On Ne Change PasCéline Dion
- Baby Close Your EyesCéline Dion
- Brahms’ LullabyCéline Dion
- Think TwiceCéline Dion
- In His TouchCéline Dion
- Super LoveCéline Dion
- PrayerCéline Dion
- UsCéline Dion
- Ave MariaCéline Dion
- Have You Ever Been In LoveCéline Dion
- Beauty And The BeastCéline Dion
- Right In Front Of YouCéline Dion
- I SurrenderCéline Dion
- Beautiful BoyCéline Dion
- Calling YouCéline Dion
- Happy To Meet YouCéline Dion
- A New Day Has ComeCéline Dion
- Tout L’or Des HommesCéline Dion
- I Love YouCéline Dion
- Let’s Talk About LoveCéline Dion