Informations about the album Descendants 2 Original Tv Movie Soundtrack by Descendants 2 Cast
Friday 21 July 2017 is the date of the release of Descendants 2 Cast new album, entitled Descendants 2 Original Tv Movie Soundtrack.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Descendants 2 (Original TV Movie Soundtrack).
The list of 11 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Descendants 2 Cast may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Space Between by Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson
- Rather Be With You by Dove Cameron
- What's My Name by China Anne McClain
- It's Going Down by Descendants 2 Cast
- Poor Unfortunate Souls by China Anne McClain
- You and Me by Descendants 2 Cast
- Chillin' Like a Villain by Sofia Carson
- Evil by Dove Cameron
- Kiss the Girl by Descendants 2 Cast
- Better Together by Dove Cameron and Sofia Carson
- Ways to Be Wicked by Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Booboo Stewart & Cameron Boyce