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Derivatives - William Fitzsimmons album: list of songs and lyrics translation

Informations about the album Derivatives by William Fitzsimmons

William Fitzsimmons finally released Sunday 2 February 2025 his new music album, entitled Derivatives.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Goodnight / The Sparrow and the Crow.
The list of 7 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that William Fitzsimmons may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
  • If You Would Come Back Home (Mikroboy remix)
  • I Don't Feel It Anymore (feat. Brooke Fraser)
  • You Still Hurt Me (feat. The Great Neck South High School Choir)
  • So This Is Goodbye (Pink Ganter remix)
  • So This Is Goodbye
  • I Don't Feel It Anymore (George Raquet remix)
  • Goodmorning (Pink Ganter remix)
If you are fan of William Fitzsimmons you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:

Some lyrics and translations of William Fitzsimmons