Informations about the album Defying Gravity by Keith Urban
Sunday 30 November 2008 is the date of the release of Keith Urban new album, entitled Defying Gravity.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Fuse / We Were / Ripcord / Polaroid / Golden Road / The Speed of Now Part 1 / Keith Urban (1999) / Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing / Get Closer.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Keith Urban may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- My Heart Is Open
- I'm In
- Thank You
- 'Til Summer Comes Around
- Why's It Feel So Long
- Only You Can Love Me This Way
- If Ever I Could Love
- Kiss a Girl
- Hit the Ground Runnin'
- Call My Name
- Standing Right In Front of You
- Sweet Thing
- Goin' Crazy World
If you don't want to miss the live Keith Urban concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2020/05/29 20:00 - Falkoner Salen - Frederiksberg ( Danimarca)
- 2020/05/31 19:00 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo ( Norvegia)
- 2/05/2025 - Jahrhunderthalle - Frankfurt Am Main (Germania)
- 2/05/2025 - Falkoner Salen - Frederiksberg (Danimarca)
- 2/05/2025 - Falkoner Salen - Frederiksberg (Danimarca)
- 3/05/2025 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo (Norvegia)
- 3/05/2025 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo (Norvegia)
Some lyrics and translations of Keith Urban
- Georgia WoodsKeith Urban
- I Told You SoKeith Urban
- Little Bit Of EverythingKeith Urban
- I Wanna Be Your ManKeith Urban
- Soul FoodKeith Urban
- Jeans OnKeith Urban
- Say SomethingKeith Urban
- The FighterKeith Urban
- TumbleweedKeith Urban
- You'll Think of MeKeith Urban
- Change Your MindKeith Urban
- SupermanKeith Urban
- Song For DadKeith Urban
- PolaroidKeith Urban
- Wasted TimeKeith Urban
- Sun Don't Let Me DownKeith Urban
- God Whispered Your NameKeith Urban
- BurdenKeith Urban
- I'll Be Your Santa TonightKeith Urban
- Lucky CharmKeith Urban