Informations about the album Same Trailer Different Park by Kacey Musgraves
We are going to show you the latest album by Kacey Musgraves entitled Same Trailer Different Park. The album has been released on Tuesday 19 March 2013.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Golden Hour / Frozen 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Die Eiskönigin 2 (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack) / Pageant Material / The Kacey Musgraves Christmas Show / A Very Kacey Christmas.
The album is composed by 12 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Kacey Musgraves may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Merry Go 'Round
- Stupid
- Back on the Map
- My House
- I Miss You
- Step Off
- Keep It to Yourself
- Blowin' Smoke
- It Is What It Is
- Silver Lining
- Dandelion
- Follow Your Arrow
Some lyrics and translations of Kacey Musgraves
- Mele KalikimakaKacey Musgraves
- Christmas Makes Me CryKacey Musgraves
- A Willie Nice ChristmasKacey Musgraves
- The Trailer SongKacey Musgraves
- MotherKacey Musgraves
- Oh, What A World 2.0Kacey Musgraves
- Ribbons And BowsKacey Musgraves
- GlitteryKacey Musgraves
- Rockin’ Around The Christmas TreeKacey Musgraves
- Are You SureKacey Musgraves
- FineKacey Musgraves
- Cup Of TeaKacey Musgraves
- Good Ol' Boys ClubKacey Musgraves
- Family Is FamilyKacey Musgraves
- Die FunKacey Musgraves
- MiserableKacey Musgraves
- Somebody To LoveKacey Musgraves
- BiscuitsKacey Musgraves
- This TownKacey Musgraves
- Pageant MaterialKacey Musgraves