Informations about the album Carbozo, vol. 1 by Koba LaD
Koba LaD finally released Sunday 2 February 2025 his new music album, entitled Carbozo, vol. 1.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: L’Affranchi / L’Affranchi / L’Affranchi (Deluxe) / Détail.
This is the list of 1 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Koba Lad. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Tir du Brazil
If you are fan of Koba Lad you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Koba Lad
- 5h55Koba Lad
- HelsinkiKoba Lad
- Dans L’avionKoba Lad
- Chambre D’hôtelKoba Lad
- BédodoKoba Lad
- CitéKoba Lad
- CéramiqueKoba Lad
- Feux éteintsKoba Lad
- DéclicKoba Lad
- En GrosKoba Lad
- OmarKoba Lad
- EncoreKoba Lad
- Coffre PleinKoba Lad
- Pas De ReineKoba Lad
- 7 Sur 7Koba Lad
- BeldiaKoba Lad
- OhloloKoba Lad
- Laisse TomberKoba Lad
- QuadrilléKoba Lad
- Ça Ira Mieux DemainKoba Lad