Informations about the album The Black Album by Prince
We are going to show you the latest album by Prince entitled The Black Album. The album has been released on Tuesday 22 November 1994.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: 1999 / Originals / The Versace Experience (Prelude 2 Gold) / The Gold Experience / 1999: Deluxe Edition / Sign O’ the Times / Batman / MPLSound / One Nite Alone... / Sign O’ the Times: Deluxe Edition / Chaos and Disorder / Crystal Ball / Purple Medley - Single / Planet Earth / Musicology / Piano & A Microphone 1983 / Welcome 2 America.
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Prince. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Rock Hard In A Funky Place
- Superfunkycalifragisexy
- Cindy C.
- Bob George
- 2 Nigs United 4 West Compton
- When 2 R In Love
- Le Grind
- Dead On It
Some lyrics and translations of Prince
- Welcome 2 AmericaPrince
- Purple RainPrince
- MusicologyPrince
- Days Of WildPrince
- Future Baby MamaPrince
- Purple MedleyPrince
- Movie StarPrince
- Sign O’ The TimesPrince
- Hot ThingPrince
- Jungle LovePrince
- Gigolos Get Lonely TooPrince
- I Need A ManPrince
- 9 LivesPrince
- Dinner With DeloresPrince
- ZannaleePrince
- Forever In My LifePrince
- Cosmic DayPrince
- Witness 4 The ProsecutionPrince
- Young And BeautifulPrince
- Pearls B4 The SwinePrince