Informations about the album The Way of the Fist by Five Finger Death Punch
We are going to show you the latest album by Five Finger Death Punch entitled The Way of the Fist. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2 / American Capitalist / The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1 / A Decade of Destruction Vol.2 / And Justice for None / War is the Answer.
The list of 12 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Five Finger Death Punch that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- The Devil's Own
- Meet the Monster
- Stranger than Fiction
- The Bleeding
- White Knuckles
- Death Before Dishonor
- A Place to Die
- Can't Heal You
- The Bleeding (Acoustic)
- Salvation
- The Way of the Fist
- The Devil's Own (Live)
If you don't want to miss the live Five Finger Death Punch concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2020/01/20 18:01 - HARTWALL ARENA - Helsinki ( Finlandia)
- 2020/01/23 19:30 - Oslo Spektrum - Oslo ( Norvegia)
- 2020/01/23 23:55 - Oslo Spektrum - Oslo ( Norvegia)
- 2020/01/26 19:00 - AFAS Live - Amsterdam ( Paesi Bassi)
- 2020/02/02 19:00 - Rockhal Main Hall - Esch-sur-alzette ( Lussemburgo)
- 2020/02/03 20:00 - Max-Schmeling-Halle - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2020/02/04 18:30 - Sporthalle Hamburg - Hamburg ( Germania)
- 2020/02/06 20:00 - Festhalle - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 2020/02/08 20:00 - König-Pilsener-ARENA - Oberhausen ( Germania)
- 2020/02/09 19:00 - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle - Stuttgart ( Germania)
- 2020/02/10 19:00 - Olympiahalle - München ( Germania)
- 2020/02/12 18:00 - COS Torwar - Warsaw ( Polonia)
- 2020/02/14 19:00 - Tipsport Arena - Praha 7 ( Rep. Ceca)
- 0/02/2025 - König-Pilsener-ARENA - Oberhausen (Germania)
- 0/02/2025 - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle - Stuttgart (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - Olympiahalle - München (Germania)
- 1/02/2025 - COS Torwar - Warsaw (Polonia)
- 1/02/2025 - Tipsport Arena - Praha 7 (Rep. Ceca)
- 24/01/2025 - Royal Arena - København S ( Danimarca)
Some lyrics and translations of Five Finger Death Punch
- Far From HomeFive Finger Death Punch
- House Of The Rising SunFive Finger Death Punch
- Lift Me UpFive Finger Death Punch
- Remember EverythingFive Finger Death Punch
- Wrong Side Of HeavenFive Finger Death Punch
- I RefuseFive Finger Death Punch
- Broken WorldFive Finger Death Punch
- Dot Your EyesFive Finger Death Punch
- Under And Over ItFive Finger Death Punch
- Making MonstersFive Finger Death Punch
- Scar TissueFive Finger Death Punch
- Leave It All BehindFive Finger Death Punch
- This Is WarFive Finger Death Punch
- Mother May IFive Finger Death Punch
- Bottom Of The TopFive Finger Death Punch
- To Be AloneFive Finger Death Punch
- Brighter Side Of GreyFive Finger Death Punch
- Death Punch TherapyFive Finger Death Punch
- Darkness Settles InFive Finger Death Punch
- A Little Bit OffFive Finger Death Punch