Informations about the album American Dream Project 2014-15 by Alexis Hurst

Monday 10 March 2025 is the date of the release of Alexis Hurst new album, entitled American Dream Project 2014-15.
The list of 84 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Alexis Hurst. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- American Wealth Disparity
- America: The Land of Opportunity?
- Genius Research Paper
- Our Fight is Never Over
- Financial Success & Happiness
- Money Can Buy Happiness to a Certain Extent
- Dumping Money Into The Economy With Crossed Fingers
- Effects of Competition on Learning
- What Comes First in the American Dream: Economic Success or Family Values?
- Anything He Can Do, She Can Do Better
- Over ExpectAsian
- Mo' Money, Less Problems
- American Dream Project 2014-15
- Genius Research Essay
- Is Income Inequality Taking Over?
- Gro$$ Domestic (Product) Pollution
- The Unacheivable Dream
- Not Just Healthy Competition
- Do Canadian Entertainers Have an equal Opportunity to Reach the American Dream?
- Genius Project Essay - LGBT Equality
- Is Affluenza Real?
- African Americans and the American Dream
- $$$ Over Family?
- Money-Happiness
- Our First Priority
- Money Money Man
- The Chains Money Has Created:
- Money is the Key to Happiness
- African American Dream
- Peering Ahead
- American Dream Essay
- Money and It's Tie to Moral Corruption
- Competition in the Learning Environment
- Of Money and Morality
- Money: The Root of All Good
- There's No Price Tag on Happiness
- It's Written in Your Name
- Aprons and Ties
- Women's Rights, Just a Thing From the Past?
- Genius Research Project
- What Can Money Give to You?
- Unhealthy Competition
- Wait or Commit
- The Unreachable Dream
- Happy Money
- The Cost of Consumption
- The Pursuit of Wealth
- Relationship between wealth and happiness
- Competition in Learning
- No Good Without God
- Dry Hopes
- The Causes and Effects of Competition
- The Improbable Task
- Money's Effect on Interpersonal Relationships
- The Impact of Competition
- Relationship Between Money and Happiness
- Excuse the Corruption - Genius Project
- Does Money Corrupt People?
- Gender Inequality in STEM Fields
- The Psychological Impact of Money
- The Glass Ceiling
- Necessary Reform for Faltering Education in the U.S.
- Genius Research
- Affluent Altruism
- Does College Matter?
- Money Please Bring Me Happiness !
- Spending and Savoring
- Money and Happiness
- Socio-Economic Mobility in the U.S.
- Wealth
- Money Ultimately Leads to Moral Corruption
- The Recipe for Happiness
- Money equals Happiness
- How Money Can Control Your Life
- Does Money Relate to Happiness
- Cracking Cultural Competition
- Impact of competition
- Unequal Opportunities
- Expectation vs. Reality
- Financial Success of Women
- Money-Corruption Correlation
- The Difference Between Tomato and Tomato Pasta
- Where the Green Grass Grows