Informations about the album Cocaine by Z-Ro
Saturday 1 February 2025 is the date of the release of Z-Ro new album, entitled Cocaine.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Crack / Life / I’m Still Livin / Look What You Did to Me.
The list of 14 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Z-ro may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Intro (Cocaine)
- Shotta
- One Two
- Haters Got Me Wrong
- Doing Just Fine
- But
- Can't Leave Drank Alone
- Bring My Mail
- I Don't Give A Damn
- Thank You
- Quarterback Vision
- Tha Police
- On My Grind
- Southside