Informations about the album Classique by Nana Mouskouri
We are going to show you the latest album by Nana Mouskouri entitled Classique. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Nuestras canciones / Alles Liebe / Alone / Tierra Viva / Nana Latina / Sings Over & Over / Libertad / Oh Happy Day / Tout simplement Nana.
The list of 12 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Nana Mouskouri that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Qual Cor Tradisti
- Adagio
- Je chante avec toi liberté
- Aranjuez Mon Amour
- Romance
- Mon Dieu
- Casta Diva
- Una Furtiva Lagrima
- Der Lindenbaum
- Voi Che Sapete
- Habanera
- Gloria Eterna
Some lyrics and translations of Nana Mouskouri
- L’enfant Au TambourNana Mouskouri
- La PalomaNana Mouskouri
- Amazing GraceNana Mouskouri
- La GolondrinaNana Mouskouri
- Only LoveNana Mouskouri
- The Last Thing On My MindNana Mouskouri
- Smoke Gets In Your EyesNana Mouskouri
- I Have A DreamNana Mouskouri
- ChiquititaNana Mouskouri
- Ojitos LatinosNana Mouskouri
- Volver, VolverNana Mouskouri
- Chanter La VieNana Mouskouri
- A Place In My HeartNana Mouskouri
- Guten Morgen SonnenscheinNana Mouskouri
- Ave Maria No MorroNana Mouskouri