Informations about the album Любовь/Грустно (Love/Sad) by T-Fest
Wednesday 22 January 2025 is the date of the release of T-Fest new album, entitled Любовь/Грустно (Love/Sad).
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Цвети либо погибни (Blossom Or Perish) / Иностранец (A Foreigner) / Выйди и зайди нормально (Come Out And Come In Fine).
The list of 2 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by T-fest. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Грустно (Sad)
- Фабула (Plot)
Some lyrics and translations of T-fest
- CayendoT-fest
- ЛамбадаT-fest
- ОкноT-fest
- Щёлк-щёлкT-fest
- Твою матьT-fest
- LemniT-fest
- ManagerT-fest
- ПрайсT-fest
- Amore MioT-fest
- 0372T-fest
- В порядкеT-fest
- Цвети либо погибниT-fest
- Без тебяT-fest
- Белый кроликT-fest
- Не вызывай шлюхT-fest
- Почему ты вечно хейтишьT-fest
- La Vida LocaT-fest
- ЧеловекT-fest
- Лоли-ЛалиT-fest
- ИнтерлюдияT-fest