Informations about the album Catharsis by Machine Head
We are going to show you the latest album by Machine Head entitled Catharsis. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Burn My Eyes / Bloodstone & Diamonds / Circle the Drain.
The album is composed by 14 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Machine Head that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Catharsis
- Grind You Down
- Triple Beam
- Hope Begets Hope
- Bastards
- Volatile
- Eulogy
- Razorblade Smile
- California Bleeding
- Psychotic
- Screaming at the Sun
- Behind a Mask
- Heavy Lies the Crown
- Kaleidoscope
If you don't want to miss the live Machine Head concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2019/10/11 20:00 - Posthalle - Würzburg ( Germania)
- 2019/10/12 20:00 - Haus Auensee - Leipzig ( Germania)
- 2019/10/14 20:00 - RuhrCongress - Bochum ( Germania)
- 2019/10/15 20:00 - Zenith - München ( Germania)
- 2019/10/18 20:00 - Klub B90 Stocznia Gdańska - Gdansk ( Polonia)
- 2019/10/19 20:00 - Progresja - Warsaw ( Polonia)
- 2019/10/29 19:30 - LE TRIANON - Paris ( Francia)
- 2019/10/30 19:30 - LE TRIANON - Paris ( Francia)
- 2020/04/28 19:00 - Sala Gamma - Murcia ( Spagna)
- 1/04/2025 - Teatro de las Esquinas - Zaragoza (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala Capitol - Santiago De Compostela (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - La Riviera - Madrid (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala París 15 - Málaga (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala Gamma - Murcia (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala Repvblicca - Mislata (Spagna)
- 19/04/2025 - Teatro de las Esquinas - Zaragoza ( Spagna)
- 21/04/2025 - Sala Capitol - Santiago De Compostela ( Spagna)
- 25/04/2025 - La Riviera - Madrid ( Spagna)
- 27/04/2025 - Sala París 15 - Málaga ( Spagna)
- 29/04/2025 - Sala Repvblicca - Mislata ( Spagna)
- 0/05/2025 - Sala Razzmatazz 1 - Barcelona (Spagna)
- 2/05/2025 - Fryshuset - Stockholm (Svezia)
- 2/05/2025 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo (Norvegia)
- 3/05/2025 - Train - Aarhus C (Danimarca)
- 01/05/2025 - Sala Razzmatazz 1 - Barcelona ( Spagna)