Informations about the album Carbon Fiber Hits by Lary Over & Lírico En La Casa
Friday 14 December 2018 is the date of the release of Lary Over & Lírico En La Casa new album, entitled Carbon Fiber Hits.
The album is composed by 22 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Lary Over & Lírico En La Casa that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Sola by Lary Over
- Zero by Farruko
- Soy El Mejor by Lary Over
- Medusa by Lary Over
- Cristiniando by Alexio La Bestia
- Trepate by Sixto Rein
- Liberace by Farruko & Anuel AA
- Que Tengo Que Hacer by Lary Over
- Ella Sabe Que Está Dura by Alexio La Bestia
- Passion Whine by Farruko
- Falsas Promesas
- AMG by Farruko
- Solo
- Ahora Sé
- Recuerdos by Kelmitt, Lary Over & Farruko
- Si Te Busco by Lary Over
- Prepago by Lary Over
- Fuego by Farruko
- Inolvidable
- Diabla
- Súbete by Lary Over & Lírico En la Casa
- Lejos de Aquí by Farruko