Informations about the album Bruno Wit da Pruno by Lil B
We are going to show you the latest album by Lil B entitled Bruno Wit da Pruno. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Frozen Based Freestyle Mixtape / Thugged Out Pissed Off / White Flame / Basedworld Paradise / Ultimate Bitch / I’m Gay (I’m Happy).
This is the list of 21 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Lil B. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Net Worth Instrumental
- Jumanji Instrumental
- Live Animals Outro Instrumental
- She Aint Average
- I Go Woogie Remix Instrumental
- I Look Like Hannah Montana
- Gato Gato
- Dreams Acapella
- We Just F**k Em
- Perry Saturn
- I Got That Sack
- Bruno Intro
- Shake It Like a Ho Instrumental
- Hot Lanta Instrumental
- Swag 4x Instrumental
- RIP Nipsey Hussle Instrumental
- Ima Sell Instrumental
- Get High Instrumental
- Extras Instrumental
- Lightning
- I Cook Remix
Some lyrics and translations of Lil B
- The WildernessLil B
- You Will PayLil B
- I Was Born PoorLil B
- Child Support MeLil B
- I Can't BreatheLil B
- Bout That UndaLil B
- Ray RiceLil B
- WltgsmLil B
- 2 Rich To Pimp RemixLil B
- Thugs Pain Remix Pt2Lil B
- Tryna Buy Pu$$yLil B
- Smoking With ObamaLil B
- East Oakland InternationalLil B
- Cashout On Me Based FreestyleLil B
- Light You UpLil B
- Wild Wild WestLil B
- White ManLil B
- Flexin Maury PovichLil B
- Im GovernmentLil B
- Rules To JoinLil B