Informations about the album Blue Street (Five Guitars) by Chris Rea
We are going to show you the latest album by Chris Rea entitled Blue Street (Five Guitars). The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Driving Home for Christmas: The Christmas EP / Auberge / Dancing with Strangers / Blue Guitars / On the Beach / La Passione / King of the Beach / Wired to the Moon / The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes / Tennis / Water Sign.
This is the list of 9 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Chris Rea may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Blue Miles
- Big C Big Sea
- Piano Break
- Heading for the City (Instrumental)
- Funk 48
- Big C
- 1st Snow Mingus
- Hofner Break
- Still Going to a Go Go
Some lyrics and translations of Chris Rea
- Midnight BlueChris Rea
- Friends Across The WaterChris Rea
- Looking Glass BluesChris Rea
- I Don’t Know What It Is But I Love ItChris Rea
- The Road To HellChris Rea
- King Of The BeachChris Rea
- Only To FlyChris Rea
- Fool - If You Think It’s Over 2001 EditChris Rea
- HeavenChris Rea
- Auf Immer Und EwigChris Rea
- On The BeachChris Rea
- Who Cares If I DoChris Rea
- Big White DoorChris Rea
- I Can't Dance To ThatChris Rea
- Sun Is HotChris Rea
- Let's DanceChris Rea
- Looking For The SummerChris Rea
- Driving Home For ChristmasChris Rea