Informations about the album Blue Moves by Elton John
We are going to show you the latest album by Elton John entitled Blue Moves. The album has been released on Friday 22 October 1976.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Madman Across the Water / Honky Château / Sleeping with the Past / Ice on Fire / Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player / Too Low for Zero / Goodbye Yellow Brick Road / Songs from the West Coast / Empty Sky / Jump Up! / Elton John / The One / Caribou / A Single Man / Peachtree Road / Reg Strikes Back / Aida (Original Broadway Cast Recording) / Elton: Jewel Box / Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy / Days of Thunder: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack / Victim of Love / El Rey León (Banda Sonora Original en Español).
The album is composed by 17 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Elton John may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Out of the Blue
- Shoulder Holster
- Boogie Pilgrim
- Cage the Songbird
- Your Starter for...
- If There's a God in Heaven
- Idol
- Someone's Final Song
- Bite Your Lip
- Where's the Shoorah?
- The Wide-Eyed and Laughing
- Tonight
- Crazy Water
- One Horse Town
- Between Seventeen and Twenty
- Chameleon
- Theme from a Non-Existent TV Series
Some lyrics and translations of Elton John
- PinkyElton John
- Never Too LateElton John
- I Need You To Turn ToElton John
- Take Me Down To The OceanElton John
- Victim Of LoveElton John
- This Train Don’t Stop There AnymoreElton John
- Saturday Night’s AlrightElton John
- MellowElton John
- PrincessElton John
- You Gotta Love SomeoneElton John
- Philadelphia FreedomElton John
- Sixty Years OnElton John
- Club At The End Of The StreetElton John
- Every Story Is A Love StoryElton John
- The Last SongElton John
- I Don’t Wanna Go On With You Like ThatElton John
- GeorgiaElton John
- Grey SealElton John
- Song For GuyElton John
- A Word In SpanishElton John