Informations about the album Big Daddy by John Mellencamp
We are going to show you the latest album by John Mellencamp entitled Big Daddy. The album has been released on Wednesday 30 November 1988.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Uh-Huh / The Lonesome Jubilee / Scarecrow / American Fool / Whenever We Wanted / Rough Harvest.
This is the list of 14 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by John Mellencamp. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Pop Singer
- Sometimes There's God
- J.M.'s Question
- To Live
- Void In My Heart
- Jackie Brown
- Jackie Brown (acoustic version)
- Big Daddy of Them All
- Let It All Hang Out
- Theo And Weird Henry
- Sometimes A Great Notion
- Country Gentleman
- Mansions In Heaven
- Martha Say
Some lyrics and translations of John Mellencamp
- Under The BoardwalkJohn Mellencamp
- Hurts So GoodJohn Mellencamp
- Crumblin’ DownJohn Mellencamp
- I Ain’t Ever SatisfiedJohn Mellencamp
- Hand To Hold On ToJohn Mellencamp
- Paper In FireJohn Mellencamp
- Jack & DianeJohn Mellencamp
- Pink HousesJohn Mellencamp
- R.o.c.k. In The U.s.a.John Mellencamp
- Rooty Toot TootJohn Mellencamp
- Troubled LandJohn Mellencamp
- Authority SongJohn Mellencamp