Informations about the album Artkore by Nazar & Raf Camora
We are going to show you the latest album by Nazar & Raf Camora entitled Artkore. The album has been released on Friday 12 March 2010.
The list of 16 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Nazar & Raf Camora. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Hör mal wer da Hämmert
- Reich & Schön
- Terminator Sound
- 3 Generäle
- Artkore
- Wo du nicht bist
- Angst
- Unsterblich
- Killabizzz
- 4 Sterne Deluxe
- Zeitgeist
- Frequenz
- Immer mehr
- Wer wir sind
- Wild Wild West
- Ouverture