Informations about the album All of It by Cole Swindell
Friday 17 August 2018 is the date of the release of Cole Swindell new album, entitled All of It.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Down Home Sessions V.
The list of 12 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Cole Swindell. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- I'll Be Your Small Town
- Reason to Drink
- Somebody's Been Drinkin'
- Love You Too Late
- Dad's Old Number
- Break Up in the End
- Her
- 20 In a Chevy
- All of It
- Both Sides of Mississippi
- The Ones Who Got Me Here
- Sounded Good Last Night
Some lyrics and translations of Cole Swindell
- All NighterCole Swindell
- Single Saturday NightCole Swindell
- No One Rocks MineCole Swindell
- Right Where I Left ItCole Swindell
- Down To EarthCole Swindell
- Love You Too LateCole Swindell
- I'll Be Your Small TownCole Swindell
- Dad's Old NumberCole Swindell
- All Of It*Cole Swindell
- Break Up In The EndCole Swindell
- Somebody's Been Drinkin'Cole Swindell
- Get Me Some Of ThatCole Swindell